Reviews of Our Services
“my friend (and former violin instructor) has started her own music therapy business in Pensacola. Just look at all she can do and who she can help! If you know anyone who could benefit, please pass on this information. She’s an amazing human. [Kayla] is patient, punctual, flexible, kind, and all around wonderful”
Leslie, former violin student
My name is Mike. I started to fulfill my dream as a singer- songwriter at age 54. I always liked to write songs and poems. I play guitar, bass and tinker on piano. What held me back was the fear of singing in public. After being called out by some friends who were performing at a songwriter festival I realized that the only thing holding me back was me. I met Kayla at a music therapy session she was hosting. I started taking singing lessons with her and she is fantastic. She has brought me from mumbling to carrying a tune. I now sing open mics regularly and I performed at the “Yeah! You Right,” festival in Louisiana. She sings and plays multiple instruments. I highly recommend her for any music lesson.
Mike, Songwriter & Student
@ Goat Lips during the last therapeutic community songwriting workshoop